The Guide to Guest Services™ is a completely customized information directory for your patients and visitors. When patients and visitors open your patient guide, they can quickly locate the topic they are looking for. The patient guide reduces the number of calls to nurses, saving valuable staff time. It is also a single source to highlight all the information your patients and visitors will need during their stay.
Perhaps the most important aspect of this product is its cost when compared to other means of providing guest information. Since the Guide is not disposable and may be easily updated, it has a useful life of many years. Its price is far below that of alternative printed information booklets of the past. Most facilities see a 50-75 percent savings in the first three years.
Need help deciding which guide is best for you? Call us at (913) 888-1217 or send us a message today!
How to get started?The Guide to Guest Services™ is a completely customized information directory for your patients and visitors Working closely with you, our team of graphics coordinators will design the patient guide, organize and typeset the copy, and provide proofs for your approval at every step. We'll handle everything and deliver a finished product that is ready to put into service. It's that easy and always backed by our Plain Language Guarantee. The wall mount accessory ensures that the guide is readily available to your patients and their visitors. |
Fully customized vinyl information directories for your patients and their visitors. They are easy to update and easy to use.
Fully customized quick reference guides to help keep your staff prepared for emergencies.
Fully customized quick reference guide to help keep your staff prepared for safe infection prevention and control procedures.
Customized products including 3-Ring Binders, Sports Memory Books, Menus, Hotel Directories, and more…